Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Apple's Sense of Humour - The Joke's on Windows (AGAIN) !!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008
"Death at a Funeral" was Hilarious

Friday, December 05, 2008
Me a Trainer?? No Way!!!!
The first series of session was attended by an abominably small number of people, but it was fun, none the less - I mean, handling a handful of people in my first EVER training session, helps you deal with LESS number of questions / doubts :) ... After putting 5 days of effort, my first session was finally over (in my opinion it was a success - that's STRICTLY my opinion)... Got a decent feedback, which encouraged me to accept the next training session in December.
Here is the thing now - there are now 25 people who BELIEVE that I can TEACH, and everything turned out to be... well, a chaos on the 1st day. I was thinking - "WHY the hell did I even think of doing this again??". Things cooled down after a day or two (as a few of them backed out) - leaving a decent number of souls (15 to be approx) at my disposal ;) . Infact, I have started liking this new role of mine so much (again), it makes me wonder "Why the hell didn't I do this before?".
I am thinking - how good am I? Teaching has always been my so-called "strength" in school or college days. I am still confused if I am going to take another of these classroom training next month...
BTW, the training is on Java webservices - and my manager thinks I have gained enough expertise to start training people - I was myself not aware of this till the 1st time I started speaking in the classroom..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Keyboard(r) - A New Intuitive Way to Search
Do check it out at www.keyboardr.com . Its worth a try!!! It works fine with Firefox and Safari browsers too.
The development team has its own blog at http://www.julius-eckert.com/blog/31 .
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Mumbai Attacks - What Next??

The National Security Guards (NSG) did their best to bring the situation under control. But some of the bravest of the Mumbai police and the NSG lost their lives in the operation.
After two days of continuous fighting, the hostages were rescued, and most of the terrorists were killed.

Now the question is, why did this happen in the first place? The news channels broadcasted the CCTV coverages of the entire attack, so why was this not avoided before so many lives were lost? A few months back, there were a series of bomb blasts in the Indian capital city of Delhi. Has there been no steps taken by the authorities to protect the lives of citizens from such appalling acts of terrorism? What do WE need to do to make sure such an incident is avoided in the future? Or are we just going to live in fear? Are we going to think twice before going out with friends to a cinema? When are we going to get a reassurance from the government? I agree, no one is safe in today's times - you keep hearing about such incidents throughout the globe - but the things happening in India in the last few years makes you think back and notice...

I pray for all the brave souls who lost their lives in the attack.... May God bless us all....
My Date with Mac OS X Leopard
The first thing you see in Leopard is the desktop - with the trademark Dock and the menubar.

1. The Command key - This is something similar to the Control key of Windows, most of the shortcuts are used with the combination of the Command key here - like, for example, copy is Cmd+C, cut is Cmd+X, task switcher is Cmd+Tab etc. There is a Ctrl key too, but thats used for right click purposes generally.
2. Finder - Explorer is Finder here, and as the name suggests, it allows you to find stuff on your hard disks. The concept is similar, so nothing remarkable different here.

3. Dock - The Dock acts as a shortcut from where you can launch various appliations, and also has the open windows and applications (similar to Windows Taskbar). Leopard has a new feature - something called as a "Stack" - which allows you to keep a folder shortcut on the Dock for easy access. The stacks, when clicked, either fans out, or is shown as a grid.

7. Cover Flow - With Leopard, you can browse throw the files in the hard disk using cover flow (like iTunes).

11. Closing Applications - Unlike Windows, in OS X, the window of an application can be closed without closing the application itself by Cmd+W key combination. To close the application itself, use Cmd+Q key combination.
These were some of the features I noticed in the initial one week, and I am still in the process of exploring more... :)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My First Impressions on Google's Chrome

Saturday, August 09, 2008
The Nokia E51 - My New Phone

Saturday, August 02, 2008
The Godfather Overthrown?
Maybe "The Godfather" days are finally over!!!
A Killing Joke
One thing that everyone is discussing about after watching “The Dark Knight” is the Joker. I watched the movie on the first weekend it was released, and was in no mood to review such a movie – a kind of movie which has won the hearts of both the critics and the audience (Batman fan or not). So, what was so special about the movie? Was it the caped crusader himself, or the dark and realistic setting (from Christopher Nolan's previous movie - “Batman Begins”), or the action sequences? Everything was perfect in the movie, but the character of Joker outdid everything (in my opinion). I developed a special interest in this menacing character, and decided to write about him instead.
Joker is considered as one of the most dangerous nemesis of Batman. Those of us who have read the comics, seen the television series, or watched the animated cartoons from Warner Brothers would agree. The character was brought into the movies for the first and only time before in the 1989 movie - “Batman”, played by Jack Nicholson. In this movie, a gangster by the name of Jack Napier is disfigured when he falls into a vat of chemicals during a confrontation with Batman, and thus Joker originates. But this character had a history with Batman earlier too. It is shown, in the movie, that the young Jack Napier was one of the thugs who murdered Bruce Wayne's (Batman's real identity) parents when he was young – so he is indirectly responsible for the creation of Batman. The portrayal of Joker by Nicholson was hailed at that time to be one of the best portrayals of the character so far.
In the comics, a definitive background for Joker is never established, and his real name has never been confirmed. Every version of comic book comes up with a new story behind the Joker, but all depict him as the same green haired, white faced character, with a permanent smile painted on his face. And his actions – well they are notorious – like a villain always is (either in real world or in comic world). So what is so special about this character that sets him apart from all other adversaries of Batman, making him one of the most memorable criminals Gotham City ever had? Well, he has committed crimes both whimsical and inhumanly brutal, all with a logic and reasoning that, in Batman's words, "make sense to him alone."
It is this complex psyche of the character which was brought to screen by director Christopher Nolan, and by the late actor Heath Ledger. And what a portrayal it was!!! From a sophisticated Joker whose crimes seem to be childish in all the previous depiction, this version of the Joker is chilling. You detest him, hate the way he laughs, gasp at the crimes he commits, and is shocked by seeing the permanent scar on his face (not just a smile painted this time). And you applaud the performance. That is the kind of response any actor wants when he just goes out of the way to be a character. Pity, he didn't live to see his own performance on the big screen. But, surely, this kind of acting does deserve an Oscar, even if it is posthumous....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
But since the time I have started living in Pune, I don't look forward to this season that much... Any one who has stayed here would agree with me. Pune is one of the places where when it starts raining, it rains for 4 months non stop. Yes non stop. And I am not talking about the heavy downpour spells. Its just drizzling throughout the day, with a cloudy, gloomy sky. And this makes the roads (which are already in a bad and pitiable state) even worse and muddy. Not a single road is without potholes. It is a nightmare for any pedestrian to walk without getting his/her trousers and shoes completely covered in mud. And for the poor bike drivers, the conditions are obviously not favourable to drive at any time of the day. Fortunately, unlike Mumbai, there are no floods, or drainage problem, which is a relief.
But that doesn't mean that I have started hating the rains... I still love its first spell, followed by clear, blue, bright, sunny sky, the smell of wet ground, the rainbow... I wish that I was still a school-going kid, and I could enjoy missing the school for just one more day...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Exam Time.... Again
My Birthday This Year
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tagging The Digital Music
First is the TagRunner - this software automatically searches for missing tags in your music files. So the major part of your tagging problems are taken care by it. Next, if you use iTunes to listen to music, Tunesleeve can be used to search for album arts for each of the albums. It looks into your iTunes library and updates the cover arts of most of the albums (assuming all your songs are properly tagged with the correct albums).
Sunday, April 13, 2008
For the last few days, I seem to be posting a lot on my blog, a few of them being technical stuffs I have been working on this week.
In our company, we have a company blog (ChannelOne blogs by WordPress). Even though it has some advanced features (one that enables the users to upload files directly to the blog server), somehow, it seems to be too unattractive. The themes are limited (till now, haven't found an option to edit the templates, other than updating the header image), and its too damn slow. And, when it comes to posting in my company blog, I am too selective - most of the articles are transferred from this blog, after each post goes through lots of scrutiny.
Last week, in my free time, I managed to watch some old movies (not that old though) - Elizabeth (1999), The Thomas Crown Affair (2000), Cruel Intentions. Out of these, I had already watched the Thomas Crown Affair about 4 years back, but didn't remember the details of the plot. And, I enjoyed watching it again. Elizabeth was good, and was a bit too dramatic. Cruel Intentions was crap (somehow I expected it to be like that anyways, so wasn't disappointed much).
The book I was reading last week is almost nearing completion :) .
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Developing JAX-WS based Web Services using Java WSDP
The major differences between the two standards are:
- JAX-WS supports SOAP 1.2, and XML over HTTP.
- JAX-RPC supports WS-I's Basic Profile (BP) version 1.0. JAX-WS supports BP 1.1. (WS-I is the Web services interoperability organization.)
- JAX-RPC maps to Java 1.4. JAX-WS maps to Java 5.0. JAX-WS relies on many of the features new in Java 5.0.
- JAX-WS's data mapping model is JAXB, unlike JAX-RPC. which create LiteralSerializer classes for all the data elements.
- JAX-RPC handlers rely on SAAJ 1.2. JAX-WS handlers rely on the new SAAJ 1.3 specification.
- JAX-WS heavily relies on annotations.
wsimport creates service artifacts and client stubs by looking into the WSDL. wsgen reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for web service deployment, and invocation. Both need to be used together to create a web service.
The steps that need to be followed for creating a web service and deploying it can be listed down as follows (refer to the build.xml in the uploaded zip file):
- Create the WSDL (assuming top-down approach) .
- Generate the service interfaces using wsimport. Additionally, server binding configuration xml can be used to specify the namespace mapping with Java packages, and specifying the server side handlers. Refer to the ant task - create-server-wsdl.
- Implement service endpoint using the interface.
- Generate the service artifacts from the implemented class using wsgen. This generally comprises of JAXB objects.
- Create a war file, which has the following structure:
- WEB-INF/classes
- WEB-INF/lib
- WEB-INF/web.xml
- WEB-INF/sun-jaxws.xml
- WEB-INF/wsdl/wsdl-file.wsdl
Once the war is created, it can be deployed on any web server/ application server. I tested it on both Tomcat web server 5 and Sun Application Server 9.
The client stubs can be generated using the wsimport and specifying the WSDL file. (ant task - create-client-wsdl). Again, the binding configuration file for the client can be used to provide namespace mapping and client side handlers.
As with JAX-RPC implementation, the wsimport and wsgen tasks are dependent on a number of configuration xml files. But unlike the wsdeploy task in JAX-RPC, where a valid web.xml deployment descriptor is created with a listener class and a JAX-RPC servlet automatically, here, in JAX-WS, these entries have to be manually entered. Also, there is a heavy use of annotations, and JAXB objects.
The sample application, together with the build script is uploaded as BookQuoteService.zip
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Developing JAX-RPC based Web Services using Java WSDP
Earlier, I used to develop web services using BEA's Weblogic workshop, which had loads of automated tools to create the service en
I downloaded the available Java WSDP pack from the Sun site. I used the tools present in the pack to compile and deploy a web service: wscompile and wsdeploy. It started by creation of a sample WSDL file. Once created, I created an ant build script which made use of wscompile to generate server side artifcats. This als
There are 2 phases of development of a w
- WEB-INF/classes
- WEB-INF/jaxrpc-ri.xml
- WEB-INF/web.xml
- WEB-INF/model.xml.gz
Based on the jaxrpc-ri.xml (has to be manually created), use the wsdeploy task to create a "cooked" WAR which is ready to be deployed on a web server. Again, in the original Ant build script, this task was added.
Once the service is deployed, now comes the creation of client stubs/proxies to invoke the webservice. Using the same wscompile to
The configuration files provides all the f
With this development pack, only JSE (Java Service Endpoints) are created (no EJB endpoints).
For further details, and instructions (including sample applications), refer to Understanding your JAX-RPC SI Environment.
The sample application can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Angry pup, eh???
Monday, April 07, 2008
The Darjeeling Limited - Is that supposed to be India???

India is shown as a land of snake charmers - one of the three brothers, on a trip to some Hindu temple, buys a snake!!! And, somehow that snake is lost in the train. The head steward(or whatever) of the train, takes the snake, and worships him. Weird!!!And to top it all, they show some "International" airport, and my goodness, what an airport it is - it seems shabbier than the dirtiest railway stations in the smallest towns in the country!!
The way India has been depicted in the movie is seriously disappointing - I wonder what the director was even thinking... The movie has an impressive star cast by the way, and that was the only reason, I was interested to watch the movie in the first place - Owen Wilson, Andrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman play the role of the 3 brothers. Irfan Khan also has a small role in the film, even though, without any dialogs...
Firmware Upgrades - How Useful Are They?
Now, as a consumer, I should be told what are the exact bug fixes they are talking about - coz, after 1 year of usage, without any firmware upgrades, I haven't noticed any bugs which requires to be fixed. I am quite happy and content with my original firmware with which my iPod was shipped.
Well, actually, come to think of it, there was something that was missing in the original firmware - Apple, promply, forgot to add the Indian timezone in its time settings!!! Can you believe it? There is +5.00 GMT, and it then jumps directly to +6.00 GMT. As if the entire subcontinent populated with a billion something people is gone, vanished, disappeared!!! And weirdly, in its world clock, there is a mention of Bombay, but whats the use?? Its something like this - you are in India, but when you set the time, you cannot select the IST. So either you need to select +5.oo GMT, or +6.00 GMT. Now with either of these time zones, you actually screw up the world clocks that is displayed in your iPod. So, if you go to Bombay's current time in the world clock - its either half an hour late or early. And that is true for any other city in the world. I was actually surprised when I noticed this thing in my iPod.
But, now I hear, that they have finally introduced the IST in the new firmware. But still, I am not taking a risk of upgrading my firmware, which is working perfectly fine. It should not be the case that the new firmware introduces some new bugs together with fixing the existing bugs. Atleast, I'll wait for some further review/comments.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
My Blog Needed Some Much Needed Attention
I also noticed one thing - now I don't have to select a profile pic from some http url (thank God for that) - it now provides a simple option of uploading your pic from your computer (thank God for that again - high fives etc etc) - I wonder why they didn't think of this before and waited so long to implement it. At least, that was a sweet surprise :) .
Now, that also makes my second post for the day (an indication of how eventful my day was today) - and requires a celebration!!! :P
Sunday Again
Some of the things which I did today, worth mentioning here, that is, are:
1. Trying to complete the book I had laid my hands on last Wednesday.
2. Watched a movie.
Ok, now lets be a bit elaborate - the book I am referring to, and I am halfway through reading it is called "So He Takes the Dog" by Jonathan Buckley. Nice book, revolving around a murder mystery of a vagabond in England. And unlike a murder mystery novel, this one doesn't have the kind of adrenaline rush action which is a general characteristic of book of such genre. Infact this book is surprisingly calm and slow... And till now, I am liking it.
The second task - a movie. Oh this one is called "If Only" starring the always anorexic Jeniffer Love Hewitt and not so known Paul Nicholls. Good and mushy romantic movie, and a perfect time pass for an idle Sunday afternoon.
That pretty much sums up my day till now :)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Facebook Status Messages "is"....
"Why, what happened?"
"Well, don't you see an 'is' after message's'? Where did that come from? "
"Hmmm... good point!!!"
One interesting thing that I found lately, and constantly amuses me from time to time is the Facebook status, and how people use them (including me)... I have been using Facebook for more than 6 months now, but for the past few weeks (or maybe a month), I have started using Facebook more frequently than ever - especially when you are sitting idle in 5 AM in the morning and have nothing better to do.... There are applications etc which people continuously put (or should I call install) on their profile, but the status messages are the most interesting thing that I have started noticing....
I remember till last year, Facebook forced everyone to update their status messages starting with the word "is"... And I noticed a lot of funny usage of the word "is" - and, obviously, when you force something like that, they are bound to be grammatically incorrect in large numbers - but none the less, they were funny... Something like " 'Facebook user is' got really drunk last night and is now confused to why there is an "is" after my name before the text box." Even funnier: "Facebook user is' (ignore the 'is') got really drunk last night and is now confused to why there is an "is" after my name before the text box."
Take another example: "John Smith is wanting ice cream."
There have been a few groups which tried to voice their "concerns". A description of such a group:
Is it not totally bloody annoying that you have to be 'IS' every time you update you status? I don't want to say 'Joe IS thinking' or 'Joe IS wanting' or 'Joe IS feeling', or have to make that grammatical check in my head every time I update my status, thinking, oh no, I can't say it like it IS, because the 'IS' IS omnipresent.Another good one:
For those of us who like updating our status on Facebook, there is always one obstacle: the word 'is'. What if you wanted to say:And finally, Facebook developers listened to the users' plea and made the notorious word "is" an optional thing. But, I still like to make use of the word whenever I update my status... It exercises my brain to figure out something which will go well with the word...
"Jonathan hates snow"?
Unfortunately, you are forced to say:
"Jonathan is thinking he hates the snow"
What if you wanted to say "Mary ate your mom". OOPS! You can't do that! You have to say something like "Mary is currently eating your mom".
Also, people do put loads of funny status messages on their profile - take for example - a friend of mine has made it daily habit to write something exceedingly stupid, yet funny, everyday. Like, for example: " 'Facebook user'... Parachute for sale - used once, never opened, small stain". Well, Facebook developers did think of an innovative way to keep the users amused and busy :)