I am an avid user of my digital camera, an inexpensive way to capture the memorable moments. Whether it is in particular occasion, or it is just a evening stroll, I always remember to carry my camera, and take numerous shots, well.... there is nothing to worry about the cost of films orprinting, so why not make use of it anyway? A photograph, after being transferred to a PC, needs to be edited to enhance its beauty, or to bring into the attention the subject, or just to remove some unwanted things from it...
Here are a few photo editing and sharing tools I frequently use. There is Goo
gle's Picasa for the basic fixes to the digital photos. Be it cropping, or increasing the contrast, I prefer to use this simple and free software. The interface is quite clean. It also has a good photo album to organize the hundreds of pics on my hard disk. Recently, I found the "Blog This" button quite useful. Now its just the click of a button to upload a pic to my blog!!!
For photo sharing, I have tried different options, the most common being sending photos as email attachments, but somehow, I dont like that way, mostly, if I have a whole album to share with some selected friends.... Thats when I started using Yahoo Photos. Its a quick way to upload your photos at a reduced resolution, and then emailing the link instead to your friends. Then there is the photo sharing option in almost the latest messengers... I have used the Yahoo one, but didnt like it, mainly because, it wasnt suited for my slow Internet connection. I also tried Picasa's Hello... Its quite good, the only problem is the other person needs to have a hello account, and have the hello software installed on his PC too....
FInally, we have the blog to share photos, but thats for all the people on the net to see...
I completely agree with the moto that a picture is worth a thousand words, and thats the reason why almost all my posts are so much full of photos.... Cant help it!!!!! (I tried my best to make an exception in this one though, but cant leave my habit, can I???!!)...
Here are a few photo editing and sharing tools I frequently use. There is Goo

For photo sharing, I have tried different options, the most common being sending photos as email attachments, but somehow, I dont like that way, mostly, if I have a whole album to share with some selected friends.... Thats when I started using Yahoo Photos. Its a quick way to upload your photos at a reduced resolution, and then emailing the link instead to your friends. Then there is the photo sharing option in almost the latest messengers... I have used the Yahoo one, but didnt like it, mainly because, it wasnt suited for my slow Internet connection. I also tried Picasa's Hello... Its quite good, the only problem is the other person needs to have a hello account, and have the hello software installed on his PC too....
FInally, we have the blog to share photos, but thats for all the people on the net to see...
I completely agree with the moto that a picture is worth a thousand words, and thats the reason why almost all my posts are so much full of photos.... Cant help it!!!!! (I tried my best to make an exception in this one though, but cant leave my habit, can I???!!)...
hi, it may b of some use to U...